How do I add a Panopto video web link to an Ultra course?


Our current Panopto integration with Blackboard does not support Ultra Course View.


Instructors can add a web link to Panopto videos in their Ultra Course View course in Blackboard.

Start in Panopto

  1. Log in to Panopto with your myBama username and password. This login screen may look like Blackboard.

  2. Hover your mouse over the video and click the Share button.

  3. In the Share settings, under “Who can access this video”, click Copy Link.


  1. Navigate to Blackboard and log in.

  2. Enter your Ultra Course View course.

  3. Choose the location for the link and click the plus sign (+).

  4. Select Create and choose Link in the pop out menu.

  5. Click on the text at the top to rename the link.

  6. Choose student visibility.

  7. Paste the URL from Panopto into the Link URL field. (PC - CTRL+V; Mac - command+V)

  8. Add a description.

  9. Click Save.